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Thread Number: 63
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"Is this still done?"

Posted by vgbaron on 11-21-02 at 17:42z
When I was a kid, I went to an airshow and saw a maneuver that I thought was spectacular and wondered if it's still being done. If memory serves, it was called a Vertical Reversement. The pilot rolled 90 degrees to a knife edge and applied hard bottom rudder. The tail would describe an 180 degree downward arc, the pilot would roll level effectively doing a 180 degree change of direction in a *very* small space.

Is something like this still done and what is it called?

BTW, for those that missed it, the chat with Patty Wagstaff, Dale Snodgrass & Mike Mancuso was a lot of fun! Look forward to the next one!


Vic Baron

Of all the things I've lost - I miss my mind the most

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: Vic Baron
-OLR.PL v1.80-

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Is this still done?"
Posted by DHamblin on 11-21-02 at 19:18z
I haven't seen that manuever done exactly that way (I am understanding that the rudder pitches the nose down and around in knife edge). In a way it sounds like a "split-S" but it (split-S) isn't done in knife edge, the pilot rolls inverted and pulls through to level.

I have seen Patty do a manuever I like where she pulls up in a quarter loop. At the 90 degree point she rolls 90 degrees to knife edge and then uses the rudder to more or less do a wing-over to a 45 degree downline, where she rolls level.

Not sure why but I like to watch that one.

Dave Hamblin
(formerly DaveH on old site!)

"RE: Is this still done?"
Posted by vgbaron on 11-21-02 at 20:00z
Hi Dave -

> I haven't seen that manuever done exactly that way (I am understanding
> that the rudder pitches the nose down and around in knife edge). In a
> way it sounds like a "split-S" but it (split-S) isn't done in knife
> edge, the pilot rolls inverted and pulls through to level.

In this case the nose pitches up and over the knife edge - the tail describes a lower semicircle.

> I have seen Patty do a manuever I like where she pulls up in a quarter
> loop. At the 90 degree point she rolls 90 degrees to knife edge and then
> uses the rudder to more or less do a wing-over to a 45 degree downline,
> where she rolls level.
> Not sure why but I like to watch that one.

I like to watch just about anything that Patty does ( Sorry, Dale!) :)


Of all the things I've lost - I miss my mind the most

-= VPC OffLine Reader 2.1 =-
Registered to: Vic Baron
-OLR.PL v1.80-

"RE: Is this still done?"
Posted by 152Driver on 02-17-09 at 09:06z
Can you believe that the technique for a Vertical Reversement is clearly outlined in, of all things, a Cessna 152 Aerobats POH?

I know this because I was flicking through one the other day trying to work out what the hell one was...it appears on the "approved manouevers" placard in the 152s I fly so I decided to look it up!

Anyway, from memory, the Vertical Reversement is basically a half snap roll initiated during a steep turn. Ie roll and perform a steep turn to the left, pull hard/stomp rudder, and the aircraft will start to snap roll. Recover from the snap and continue turning in the opposite direction.

I've snap-rolled 152s plenty of times so am keen to try one...