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Thread Number: 736
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"Wanted: FS2002 General aviation panels"

Posted by Guido_Ostkamp on 06-01-03 at 21:58z

often, when I look at freeware aircraft models, I find an installation zip or package bringing along its own panel, which unfortunately almost always kills my framerate (due to my slow CPU). At least I believe it's the panel, not the model that kills it.

Thus, I'm looking for FS2002 2D general aviation panels for 1-2 small engines AC with crisp and clear looking gauges and almost no impact on the framerate. Those of you who have been present in the good old FS98 days may remember the Bronze and Copper panel series - this is what I mean.

Ben, I have uploaded an example FS98 mini-shot named copperpanel.jpg - could you please add a message with that image? Thanks.

Any hints?



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"RE: Wanted: FS2002 General aviation panels"
Posted by Guido_Ostkamp on 06-02-03 at 16:22z

Ben has now uploaded the picture of the old Copper panel I use as an example for General aviation panels with good framerate:


Thanks, Ben.