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Thread Number: 64
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"FS98,2000 and 2002"

Posted by Elmer Chen [Passenger] on 07-17-01 at 05:25z
I have the FS98 and 2000 in my desktop computer. Recently,I notice I can not launch FS98 and it just goes as far as the Learjet picture.I therefore decide to uninstall it and I learn that it will not affect FS2000.I plan to install FS98 in my potable computer which has Intel PII 400MHz, 128MB RAM and 2XAGP ATI RAGE LT PRO with 8MB SGRAM. I will install some FS98 programmes which may be graphic demanding and my potable computer can not cope with. They are: Airport 2000 Vol.1, 2 and 3 etc. Can anyone advise me whelther my potable computer has sufficient capability for these graphic demanding programmes?
When FS2002 is releazed this fall(?), let hope it is compatible with FS2000 programme as I do not want to install both simulators at same time. I learnt from FS98 and 2000 that I will mostly play the more advanced one.

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"RE: FS98,2000 and 2002"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 07-17-01 at 11:24z

Greetings Elmer:

I run FS2K on my laptop (Sony VIAO P3-500) and it runs fairly well with a lot of the detail turned down (surprise!). :) The biggest drawback is most laptops (at least until recently) do not have true 3D accelerators, so the graphics look very blocky in comparison to desktop systems. However, the RAGE LT is a true accelerator, so FS98 should run great on your portable system. Even though the LT isn't the fastest accelerator out there, I've seen FS2K run on a Dell with the same graphics adapter you've got on yours and it looked great. I think you'll be pleased with the results.

BTW, you should register for the message board--aside from the housekeeping benefits it'll give you, you'll be able to change that PASSENGER moniker next to your name.
