URL: http://www.flightadventures.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 605
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Original Message

Posted by normster on 09-11-02 at 12:00z
Hello to all!

Looks like I have finally gotten this mysterious piece of code to work as it is
supposed to work....thanks to the help I've gotten from Ben Chiu.

I've been out of circulation for a couple of months because of the travails of
selling our condominium and buying into a large house on a nice lake, with
a huge backyard the size of a soccer field. We (Madame Barbara and I)
got together with her daughter, husband and grandson and now we're all
situated nicely.

So now, once again, I can get my yoke and pedals out of the moving boxes
and install them so that I can fly my FS2002 and join in the fun on this board.

Hope all of you are well and enjoying the heat of summer...like we are down
here near Miami.

Regards to all,
Norm Sternberg

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version =-
Registered to: Norman J. Sternberg
-OLR.PL v1.76-

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-11-02 at 14:46z
>>So now, once again, I can get my yoke and pedals out of the moving boxes
and install them so that I can fly my FS2002 and join in the fun on this

Thank God! WE have been wondering where you were. Though we had done something to make you angry at us us <G>. Anyhow - Welcome back to the fold. We missed you. Can you now finish up your odesy of your to SA with your brand new airplane.... As I remember it, you left us somewhere high over the Caribean.....

Good seeing you again, Norm. Welcome home....

***Reality - The refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: Gerald J. Rosie
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 09-11-02 at 16:28z
Hello Norm!

Nice to see you again. Wondered what had happened to you. The large house sounds wonderful but if you're too hot come over to England - temps in the low 70's (warm for the time of year) with the evenings drawing in rapidly!


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by Ben_Chiu on 09-11-02 at 19:37z
Hey Norm!!!

Can't tell you good it is to see you here. :)

Now if we can get Ray Shields set up...


-= VPC OffLine Reader 1.2 =-
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by jonahbird on 09-11-02 at 21:58z
Hi Norm

Great to hear from you again. That transition sounds well worth while. You'll have to get yourself a floatplane to make good use of that lake :-)

Best regards

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 09-11-02 at 22:07z
Hiya Norm!

>>I've been out of circulation for a couple of months because of the
travails of selling our condominium and buying into a large house on a nice lake,
with a huge backyard the size of a soccer field.<<

Sounds like a good reason to be out of circulation! Welcome back!!

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: Mike Greenwood
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by vgbaron on 09-12-02 at 01:56z
Norm! -

Glad to see you finally made it. Look forward to "seeing" you around.


Vic Baron

Of All the Things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!

-= VPC OffLine Reader 1.2 =-
Registered to: Vic Baron
-OLR.PL v1.78-

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by BillC on 09-12-02 at 10:52z
Hi Norm !

Nice to see you again.
Sounds like we may have a floatplane expert around soon...


-= VPC OffLine Reader Version =-
Registered to: Bill Cusick
-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by Madape on 09-12-02 at 16:03z
Welcome Norm! :) - Great to have you here on the VPC

Sam Harvey

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by PaulCroft on 09-13-02 at 06:10z
Hi Norm

How lovely to see your name at the bottom of a message again. Bit by bit this forum's really starting to feel like the CS FSForum of old - and that HAS to be a good thing.

Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: Paul F. Croft
-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by TD on 09-13-02 at 07:13z
I've been out of circulation for a couple of months because of the travails of
selling our condominium and buying into a large house on a nice lake, with
a huge backyard the size of a soccer field.

I guess this means we know where the gathering place for simmers is in So. Florida. Just remember, lakes=gators...

"TD - Virtual FAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!"

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by James on 09-13-02 at 17:05z
Hi Norm,

Glad to see you back in the fold :-) Enjoy.


James (CONman) Anderson
*** The plane in front is a Boeing ***

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: James Anderson
-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: Howdy!"
Posted by Vulcan on 09-15-02 at 09:16z
Welcome home Norm, and as Jerry said, bring us up to date with that trip you were doing from the old FBO, and I guess most of us will need a few 'flash-backs' :-)

-= VPC OffLine Reader Version 1.2 =-
Registered to: Dave Wild
-OLR.PL v1.76-