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"CH FS Yoke. (USB)"

Posted by andor on 08-29-02 at 20:51z
G,day all,
Using CH FS Yoke in FS2K2 with Auto Rudder engaged and in Options/Control/Assignments/ CH FS Yoke selected. Down the Start/Settings/Control Panel/Gaming Options path, both CH FS Yoke USB and MS Sidewinder Prec. Pro. both show OK.
When checking the control surfaces during pre-flight using the yoke(as all us Fl Simmers do, don,t we :) I find the elevator, aerolons, flaps all respond but the rudder does not move, The aircraft taxis OK and turns without brake input and doesn,t appear to have any effect on flight.Does anyone experience the same problem, should it be so, or have I got some assignment wrongly set. Unplugging the Sidewinder makes no difference.
When using the MS Sidewinder Prec Pro. (with CH Yoke unplugged) all control surfaces, including rudder, respond correctly. (Sidewinder plugged into gameport)
Regards Andy

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: CH FS Yoke. (USB)"
Posted by Snave on 08-29-02 at 21:07z
On the ground the ailerons are the driven side of the equation - the autorudder function is slaved to that. Ground steering is seen as more important on the ground.

Repeat the exercise once off the ground and see the rudder move... Yes, I know it's tricky to do the preflight at 1,000 feet AGL, but that's the price you pay for no rudder pedals..!

Simon Evans

"RE: CH FS Yoke. (USB)"
Posted by Vulcan on 08-31-02 at 10:28z
Switch off auto rudder while on the ground, rudder should then move.

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