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Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 490
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Original Message
"Extra 400 update"

Posted by DeeWaldron on 05-28-02 at 22:48z
Hi all,
For those of you who expressed interest in our Extra 400 project awhile back, just a happy little update. The instrument panel gauges have been reprogrammed and are now looking like they will be Win XP freindly. :-)
Right now we're changing out the Bendix/King radio stack and putting in a new Garmin stack with an S-TEC autopilot. It looks really good! (Sorry, no picture...)
I expect it to be released at all the usual places within the next week or two. I'll let you know as soon as it is.

Dee Waldron
Tokyo, Japan

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Extra 400 update"
Posted by James on 05-29-02 at 10:50z
Hi Dee,

Long time no hear :-) We'd thought you'd left the FS World for pastures new :-). Good to see you are still around.

Looking forward to the release.


James (CONman) Anderson

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
++++ Registered to: James Anderson ++++
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: Extra 400 update"
Posted by DeeWaldron on 05-29-02 at 22:50z
Oh yeah. I'm still here. Stumbling around in the dark... Trying to figure out all these blasted display variables...


"RE: Extra 400 update"
Posted by James on 05-30-02 at 12:43z
Hi Dee,

Better to stumble around in the dark rather than in day light :-)


James (CONman) Anderson

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
++++ Registered to: James Anderson ++++
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: Extra 400 update"
Posted by alanpugh on 05-31-02 at 12:32z
I'm still a customer - I need another virtual book of
airplane payments <g>.

If it's anything like your previous work, I'll enjoy
flying it.
