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Thread Number: 47
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"Paying for Air Pollution!"

Posted by Madape on 06-28-01 at 10:07z

Hiyas All

I have just heard this on BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat; Luton Airport in Southern England are pioneering a new scheme to combat Air Pollution.

They have setup a voluntary contribution scheme where Passengers can choose to pay 0.02p (around 0.03 Cents) per mile of the distance they are traveling by Air. The money goes towards planting new Trees around the airport, and surrounding area.

A return trip to USA/Canada would cost a passenger £12 ($20), whereas a return trip to Austrailia costs you £30 ($50).

I personally think its a great scheme, and maybe it should be setup Internationally if it is successful in the UK, ofcourse I would personally keep it a voluntary contribution.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Paying for Air Pollution!"
Posted by Jay Kee on 06-28-01 at 14:13z

Interesting idea. Unfortunately, in practical terms I don't think it'll work: by the time the tress are mature enough to have any appreciable effect on the surrounding environment, the airport will need to expand and the tress will get bulldozed to make room for new runways and terminals.

~ Jay ~

"RE: Paying for Air Pollution!"
Posted by Madape on 06-28-01 at 15:33z

Yup I have to agree with you there! Although maybe they can plant the trees well away from the site hmmm!
