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Thread Number: 441
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Original Message
"VPC Flight Rally #4"

Posted by James on 04-05-02 at 21:22z

Please join the Staff and Crew for the VPC Flight Rally #4 to Auckland (NZAA) - New Zealand on Sunday the 12th May 2002. Landing at 20:00BST for the informal conference in the Pilots Lounge to discuse your flight.

ATIS - 127.00Mhz 127.80Mhz
Clearance Delivery - 122.80Mhz
Ground - 121.90Mhz, 123.00Mhz
Tower - 118.70Mhz, 120.80Mhz, 122.80Mhz
Approach - 124.30Mhz, 129.60Mhz, 124.30Mhz, 129.50Mhz, 129.60Mhz
Altitude - 22 ft
Mag. Variation - -19.4 deg

ILS/DME Rwy 5 IAA 110.30Mhz at 27nm
Length/Width - 11924ft 150ft
ILS/DME Rwy 23 IMG 109.90Mhz at 27nm
Length/Width - 11924ft 150ft

This is a good time to sort out the aircraft you will intend flying as we don't want you running out of fuel do we :-) There are a number of good downloadable scenery for this area for FS98 and 2000. I don't think those using FS2002 will need to alter their scenery but can do if you wish.

New Zealand is a place that I've never flown to but would like to both in real life and simming :-) My brother lives in Auckland and has done for over 20 years. Like wise so did my oldest sister but she came back to the UK about 10 years ago.

So please join the Staff and Crew for this flight and we all hope you have a safe and enjoyable flight.



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Messages in this discussion
"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by JohnSDavison on 04-05-02 at 22:50z
Hi James,
I had the good fortune to visit New Zealand for a month last year. We travelled all over the North and South Islands and I have to say it's the most beautiful place I've ever visited. The scenery is incredible and the people we met were wonderful. So, I'll hopefully be taking part in the rally.

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by TD on 04-10-02 at 18:20z
Sancho said the same thing when he was there. And the cropdusters are pretty cool too. For those of us whose travel is a little limited (more by time than anything), NZ is featured prominently as the scenery in the Lord of the Rings movie.

"TD - Virtual FAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!"

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by James on 04-22-02 at 17:16z
Hi John and all,

Sorry for the delay on this but just returned from a fortnight in Kenya :-) Hope we will see you on touch down :-)


*** Wishing you all lots of pleasant and enjoyable flights ***

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 04-23-02 at 02:08z
Hi James!

Welcome back bud. I guess the ATC problems we read about in Kenya didn't affect ya? How was the trip?

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
++++ Registered to: Mike Greenwood ++++
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by James on 04-28-02 at 18:57z
Hi Mike,

Glad to be back and the trip was great :-) Long flight on an Airbus 310 but we got lucky with loads of leg room :-) Couldn't get onto the flight deck going or coming back though.


*** Wishing you all lots of pleasant and enjoyable flights ***

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 04-29-02 at 00:31z
>>Couldn't get onto the flight
deck going or coming back though.<<

Bummer! I guess most carriers have increased security after last September. Great to hear your trip was good!

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** RC 1 ****
++++ Registered to: Mike Greenwood ++++
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by James on 04-29-02 at 21:46z
Bummer ain't what I said at the time <LOL>. Shame as it's a flight deck I haven't been on :-(


James (CONman) Anderson

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** RC 1 ****
++++ Registered to: James Anderson ++++
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by andor on 04-06-02 at 04:21z
Count me in James... getting nearer home :-)... know NZ well.

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by Guido_Ostkamp on 05-11-02 at 21:02z

Hi James,

> Please join the Staff and Crew for the VPC Flight Rally #4 to Auckland
> (NZAA) - New Zealand on Sunday the 12th May 2002. Landing at 20:00BST

what does BST mean? British Summer Time? That should be 19:00 UTC or
21:00 CEST (alias MESZ) then?



-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by James on 05-12-02 at 21:25z
Hi Guido,

Yes, you are correct with BST :-) etc so will hopefully see you there. I'm online a few hours before hand if you fancy a Multiplay session.


James (CONman) Anderson

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
++++ Registered to: James Anderson ++++
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by Emile on 05-13-02 at 05:32z
Hello all,
This was my first experience of "flight rally" and I did enjoy it . It is fantastic to see the other aircrafts, I have to complete my installation to have the possibility to talk and I have to beter prepare my flight
I was quiet surprised to see the color of the leaves on the trees but of course it is not spring "down there"...


"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 05-13-02 at 18:08z
Greeting Emile:

> This was my first experience of "flight rally" and I did enjoy it . It
> is fantastic to see the other aircrafts,

Although I wasn't able to join you guys for the flight, I'm glad you had a good time and were able to get things up and running in the Flight Terminal by yourself. I guess you can now understand what we meant when we say that multiplayer flights adds a whole aspect to sim'ing. :)

> I have to complete my
> installation to have the possibility to talk and I have to beter prepare
> my flight

Rgr that. VoiceCOM brings multiplayer flights to another whole new level. I'm sure you'll enjoy that as well.

Hope to see you in the virtual skies soon!


-= VPC OffLine Reader Version =-
Registered to: Ben Chiu
-OLR.PL v1.76-

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by Emile on 05-13-02 at 18:56z
Hi Ben,
What is voiceCOM?
Where can I find it?
Thanks in advance

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by James on 05-13-02 at 19:53z
Hi Emile,

Was a pleasure to see you in the Flight Terminal.

VioceCOM works in conjunction with RogerWilco. If you don't have it installed go to File Downloads and scroll down till you see RogerWilco. Once installed you can then talk to others within the flight using VoiceCOM instead of having the MP Window open and typing away at a keyboard :-) Lends a new aspect to MiltiPlaying :-)


James (CONman) Anderson

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
++++ Registered to: James Anderson ++++
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: VPC Flight Rally #4"
Posted by Emile on 05-14-02 at 05:19z
Hi James,
I did copy, I will try to be ready for the next rally