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"Favourite files?"

Posted by Bob on 03-30-02 at 19:55z
Hi everyone,

I recently had a system crash and have had to re-install everything. This may not turn out to be such a bad thing as I had collected a lot of downloads,most of which I had backed up to disc.

Having just got FS2K2 back up and running and before I start to wildly re-install aircraft and scenery etc I would like to hear of every one elses favourites.

Leaving aside FSNav and FSUIPC, both of which will always be on my machine, I would welcome suggestions for the 2 favourite files of each member. Say 1 aircraft plus 1 other. My own personal favourite is the Netherlands 2000 scenery.

Kind regards

Bob Buckley

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by andor on 03-30-02 at 21:48z
G,day Bob,
Please check my message "Scenery Errors" and you,ll see I have problems as well and will watch for further replies to your message with interest. My view is that the more downloads you have with different systems the more strife one gets into.. Oh for one common system for all downloads. ie once installed , simply download to Addon and that,s it.
20' S of YTRE

"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by Emile on 03-31-02 at 06:46z
Hello Bob,
I like for Europe


"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 03-31-02 at 17:39z
Hi Bob,

I would welcome suggestions for the 2 favourite files of each member.

Speaking personally I couldn't do without the 767PIC (99% of my flights are with this aircraft) and FSMeteo for the most realistic weather. Both are commercial offerings but are definitely worthy of their modest asking prices.


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by Bob on 04-01-02 at 10:07z

Hi Ray

Thanks for the suggestions. I did have FSMeteo some time ago and never registered. With all the cloud packs and weather generation on offer I had forgotten all about it. My wife used to ask me to take a look at the weather at our holiday destinations before we set off! This is one I will add to my FS.

It is my birthday on Thursday so 767PIC will be added to my wish list. The wife says thanks as she claims to struggle to find presents involved with FS.

I see from previous posts that you have an ADSL connection. I had mine installed about the same time and it is so much better. You should take a look at

Thanks again for the input.

Kind regards

Bob Buckley

"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 04-01-02 at 11:23z
Hi Bob,

Glad I was able to offer some useful suggestions. I know you will love the 767 once you've overcome its vertical learning curve ;-) The FMC is superb and nothing else (apart from a real one!) comes close.

Interesting site you recommended especially BT's satellite ADSL service. Only the rich need apply :-)

Happy flying!


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by jonahbird on 04-13-02 at 04:06z
Hi Ray

How's this for a slow reaction? :-)

You've listed your two favourites. I'm well into FSNavigator and agree with you. It is a monumental piece of work. But I haven't ventured into FSMeteo yet. Where can I get it?

Best regards

"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by PaulCroft on 04-13-02 at 20:49z
Hi Frank

If I can jump in here:

>> But I haven't ventured into FSMeteo yet. Where can I get it? <<

Try: www.fsmeteo.com

Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by jonahbird on 04-13-02 at 21:46z
Hi Paul

Many thanks. Now you say it....! It's old age; those dreaded senior moments :-(

Best regards
10 miles SW of Gatwick

"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by RandyHaskins on 03-31-02 at 17:53z
I'll second what Ray said. 767 PIC and FSMeteo are the two best addons I use. FSMeteo is a must for real weather and 767 PIC is the best heavy around for realistic operations. And both are very reasonably priced.


"RE: Favourite files?"
Posted by Bob on 04-01-02 at 10:13z
Hi Randy

Thanks for your input. I agree with you re prices and intend to add both items to my FS folder very shortly.

Kind regards


"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by James on 03-31-02 at 23:09z
Gotta go with Ray on his choice's along with the Roy Chaffin DC-3


*** Wishing you all lots of pleasant and enjoyable flights ***

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by Bob on 04-01-02 at 10:20z
Hi James

Thanks for the comments. The DC-3 is of interest as I believe there are a couple close to me at Coventry airport. An excellent addition to anyone's collection I should think.

Thanks again


"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by PaulCroft on 04-02-02 at 06:48z
Hi Bob

On top of those suggestions from others, if you like the heavy irons you might like to look at Tony d'Ambrosio's panel for the 747 which utilises Real CRT gauges. I adore the clarity and information these provide and would never go back to the default gauges. If interested, search for the file: ta747_18.zip at either avsim.com or flightsim.com. He also does a panel for the 777.

One of these days I'll investigate the 767PIC which others seem to enjoy so much.

Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 04-02-02 at 08:00z
Hi Paul,

One of these days I'll investigate the 767PIC which others seem to enjoy so much.

You won't be disappointed. I've tried many 3rd party aircraft and panels but this one has them all beat IMHO. It's almost worth the money for the FMS alone which remains the most complete of them all easily beating that on PSS's 747 and Dreamfleet's 737.

The good news is the team have started on a second project the subject of which is currently unknown.


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by PaulCroft on 04-03-02 at 01:24z
Hi Ray

> You won't be disappointed. I've tried many 3rd party aircraft and panels
> but this one has them all beat IMHO. It's almost worth the money for the
> FMS alone which remains the most complete of them all easily beating
> that on PSS's 747 and Dreamfleet's 737.

Thanks for that, I'll be checking it out in the very near future. BTW, I understand it was designed for FS2k. How has the migration to FS02 gone? Any gauge bugs remaining to be sorted?

Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 04-03-02 at 09:09z
Hi Paul,

BTW, I understand it was designed for FS2k. How has the migration to FS02 gone? Any gauge bugs remaining to be sorted?

Wilco released a free patch to make it compatible with FS2002. No gauge problems at all - it's as good in FS2002 as it was in FS2000.


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by PaulCroft on 04-03-02 at 19:27z
Hi Ray

> Wilco released a free patch to make it compatible with FS2002. No gauge
> problems at all - it's as good in FS2002 as it was in FS2000.

Encouraging news. Best I apply for my copy soon then.

BTW, you'll love the USB gear from CH. I don't have their throttle but I have their yoke and pedals. Installation was a breeze with XP - just plug them in and they were recognized instantly. The default drivers that were in the OS handled everything perfectly. I didn't have to install any drivers. Here's hoping that the winME installation goes as smoothly.

Once I'd calibrated them through the joysticks section of FSUIPC they worked like a dream and have done ever since. They still require that 'stick_sensitivity_mode=0' addition to the controls section of fs2002.cfg file to get the best out of them.

Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 04-04-02 at 10:57z
Hi Paul,

The gear has been received, installed and played with briefly. The installation, as you suggested, was without incident.

I've found that some controls are duplicated on the throttle and yoke but it's very easy to reassign them as appropriate. Having three modes of operation on the Pro Throttle is extremely useful. I will need to install the Control Manager software to maximise its potential but so far everything is working very well.

Thanks for the reminder about stick sensivitity mode - I've added it to the CFG.


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by PaulCroft on 04-04-02 at 22:42z
Hi Ray

> The gear has been received, installed and played with briefly. The
> installation, as you suggested, was without incident.

Glad to hear it.

> I've found that some controls are duplicated on the throttle and yoke
> but it's very easy to reassign them as appropriate.

Generally I've been very impressed with the ease of assigning buttons to actions with FS02.

>Having three modes of operation on the Pro Throttle is extremely useful.

One of these days I really have to look in to the Pro Throttle to see what it can offer me.

> I will need to install the Control Manager software to maximise its potential but > so far everything is working very well.

I'll be interested to see how you get on with that. I remember Rick (Lee) had all sorts of fun with it and, because of that, I never installed it.

> Thanks for the reminder about stick sensivitity mode - I've added it to
> the CFG.

Sensivitity??? <g> My pleasure. It's the little things that can make all the difference.

Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 04-05-02 at 07:47z
Hi Paul,

The Control Manager (CM) software is driving me nuts. Or rather the lack of proper documentation. The "user guide" is quite flimsy despite it being in HLP form rather than a paper manual.

I shall be writing to CH with a couple of questions. Everything works splendidly until such time as you move away from assigning controls to buttons in FS2002 and start using CM. So far I've been able to assign a button to F9 for FSNav but trying to remap the 8-way hat switch to show specific views rather than pan mode is proving frustrating. And remember I was well used to using SpeedKeys which in comparison to CM was a doddle. It was also much better documented.

So, whilst I'm happy with the hardware (the flying controls are a huge improvement over their analogue equivalents) the lack of clear guidance in the help is annoying.

To maximise the potential of the Pro Throttle it's necessary to use the CM software. It has three modes of operation and the only way to program three different functions to a particular button (depending on the mode) is via CM. Of course with only the yoke and pedals that won't be a problem for you unless you take the plunge.

Sensivitity!! <g> Ah yes, I had to look closely before I realised. Well spotted! :-)


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by PaulCroft on 04-07-02 at 06:49z
Hi Ray

> The Control Manager (CM) software is driving me nuts. Or rather the lack
> of proper documentation.

Yes, from what I heard I rather thought it might :-(

> I shall be writing to CH with a couple of questions.

I'm not surprised, and quite right too. They need to know that the Help files are inadequate.

> So, whilst I'm happy with the hardware (the flying controls are a huge
> improvement over their analogue equivalents) the lack of clear guidance
> in the help is annoying.

Understandable indeed.

> To maximise the potential of the Pro Throttle it's necessary to use the
> CM software. It has three modes of operation and the only way to program
> three different functions to a particular button (depending on the mode)
> is via CM.

Should stop you getting too bored then <g>

> Sensivitity!! <g> Ah yes, I had to look closely before I realised. Well
> spotted! :-)

I didn't actually, it was the spellchecker that ran when I posted my reply back to you. Amazing how the brain deceives the eye when it knows what it's expecting to see.

Good luck with CM. If you *do* get it all figured out I'll probably be badgering you for help if I buy the Pro throttle.

Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 04-08-02 at 17:57z
Hi Paul,

I'm pleased to report that following help from Sticky I've made some progress with the CM software and now have the major axes programmed. Take a look at the thread for details.

Should stop you getting too bored then <g>

LOL! I wish! :-)


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE:Favourite files?"
Posted by PaulCroft on 04-09-02 at 05:30z
Hi Ray

> I'm pleased to report that following help from Sticky I've made some
> progress with the CM software and now have the major axes programmed.
> Take a look at the thread for details.

I'm following the thread with interest. Some progress and lots of frustration by the looks of it.

Paul Croft
10 miles SE of Heathrow (EGLL)

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.73 ****