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"fs2k2 vs.fly"

Posted by ozarkjim on 03-08-02 at 15:49z
considering i didn't pay for my copy of fs2k2...for my money i prefer fly....even after up loads of panels and aircraft the flight modeling..gps...atc...cockpit views all leave much to be desired. think i will give it a couple more weeks to see if i can adapt, but i will probably reinstall fly2k.

any comments from others who have used both?

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"fs2k2 vs.fly"
Posted by WScofield on 03-08-02 at 16:23z
I have both Fly! and FS2k2. I've always liked Fly! - the panels are gorgeous and the realism is wonderful.

But the scenery downloads for Fly!2K were horrendeous to get, and I never knew quite what to do with them, so I didn't get them installed. (Perhaps you will encourage me to give it another try.) Somehow FS2K2 just worked, right out of the box, and has complete scenery around the world. It's much closer to Fly! in many ways than earlier versions of FS.

BTW, I take my hat off to Fly! for having a Mac version. MS has abandoned the Mac platform, atleast for FS. Shame on them.


"RE: fs2k2 vs.fly"
Posted by Madape on 03-08-02 at 17:39z
I played Fly! and thought the aircraft and plane modeling were fair superior to flight sim at the time, although I havent tried the more recent Fly!2 Its a shame that microsoft has such a monopolising grip on its FlightSim series

Sam Harvey

"RE:fs2k2 vs.fly"
Posted by James on 03-08-02 at 19:09z
At first glance Fly was far superior in its ATC, Flight Models and Gauges/Panels BUT, the most horrendous annoyance about it is the CD upon CD of updates. Why can't they produce the product and get it out as Microsoft do. Without the horrendous patch's!

Just my 2pence worth :-)


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