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"Roger Wilco Help Needed"

Posted by Madape on 03-08-02 at 15:12z
Hi All

Some of you may know I have had problems connecting to RogerWilco using my University connection, I am just wondering if anyone could shed any light on this.

I can cannot to session, but I cannot receive any Audio, or Transmit any audio. I rang up IT Services (which as usual were not much help), they said they are not blocking any ports, he mentioned that if a computer is trying to connect to mine directly it wont work due to the proxy, I asked for the server UDP port, which he said he didnt know, Roger Wilco uses 3728 as standard.

Does anyone know how to get around this?! I can play games such as Unreal Tournament that use UDP, so why not Roger Wilco?

Thanks in Advance

Sam Harvey

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 1.0 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.68 ****

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Messages in this discussion
"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 03-08-02 at 20:33z
> Does anyone know how to get around this?! I can play games such as
> Unreal Tournament that use UDP, so why not Roger Wilco?

Greetings Sam:

I assume RW tests ok and that it's run before on this system, correct? Which version of RW are you running?


**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 1.0 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.68 ****

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by James on 03-08-02 at 21:16z
Hi Sam,

Along with what Ben mentioned does it state your using Full Duplex?


*** Wishing you all lots of pleasant and enjoyable flights ***

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 1.0 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.68 ****

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Madape on 03-08-02 at 22:05z
Hi Ben & James

I am running RW mk IC Mod 1, tests are all fine, and my soundcard is full duplex. On the internal Intranet it works fine, but anything external it goes a bit dodgy. I have a HTTP-Tunnel installed which allows me access ot programs such as Kazaa which the University usually blocks, I have tried to use this in conjunction with RW too. I have just bought a MS Game Voice too aswell LOL!


Sam Harvey

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 1.0 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.68 ****

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Madape on 03-09-02 at 01:56z
By dodgy I mean it doesnt work at all!

Sam Harvey

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 03-09-02 at 20:45z
> I have just
> bought a MS Game Voice too aswell LOL!

Does that work on your connection?


**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 1.0 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.68 ****

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Madape on 03-10-02 at 14:35z
Yes it does internally, but will have to wait until my neighbours back today then we will test it externally.

Sam Harvey

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Vulcan on 03-10-02 at 00:48z

I think the problems are with the Uni proxy.

Some time ago a similar question was asked at the VATSIM-UK forum and the answer given by someone with far more network knowledge than me was that the RW port needed to be open.

So you need to get very friendly with a techie or the network manager and ask them to open port 3728; whether they will or not is another matter :-)

I know what the answer would at the college I work at <VBG>

Best of luck

8nm NE of EGCC

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.72 ****

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Madape on 03-10-02 at 14:48z
Hi Vulcan

VATSIM works fine, although I did phone up IT Services, after being past through about 2 people got to an Assistant Administrator, he told me that no ports was blocked at all, although he did tell me as we all go through a SOCKs server if a single computer tries to connect to me directly it will be denied by the SOCKs server (by this point I knew the guy didn't know that much), if Unreal Tournament works, RW _should_ work.

Stafford University dont mind us playing online games at all, it actually says that in our contract.

Sam Harvey

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Vulcan on 03-14-02 at 22:15z
>Stafford University dont mind us playing online games at all, it
actually says that in our contract<

Well aren't you lucky <G>, even the staff here aren't allowed to play games and students are hauled before the head of school if caught. I guess that's the difference between a college (up to 18yrs) and Uni.

Hope you get it sorted.

8nm NE of EGCC

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.72 ****

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Madape on 03-15-02 at 01:59z

> Well aren't you lucky <G>, even the staff here aren't allowed to play
> games and students are hauled before the head of school if caught. I
> guess that's the difference between a college (up to 18yrs) and Uni.

As long as we get our work done *ahem!* they dont mind it, they recently swapped all Games Traffic off the crowded 2Mb link, to the SuperJANET 600Mb link, pings rule, Uni rules!

What college are you currently studying at?

Sam Harvey

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.72 ****

"RE:Roger Wilco Help Needed"
Posted by Vulcan on 03-16-02 at 00:34z
>What college are you currently studying at?<

If only Sam <VBG> My studying days are long gone, apart from studying the complex nature of new Airbuses and older 767's <G>

I work, if you can call it that <G>, at a Sixth form college in the Greater Manchester area as an IT Technician. I had hoped that would be a network technician but the grey matter thinks otherwise <G>

8nm NE of EGCC

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version **** BETA 2 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.72 ****