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"MultiPlayer Day's"

Posted by James on 02-20-02 at 21:44z
Hi Guy's,

I'm posting this feeler as to who would be interested in participating in MultiPlayer sessions on Sunday's at either 20:00 or 21:00 GMT.

This would be on the lines of some one Hosting the session from their home airport or one of their favourites. It would entail a sight seeing and history type lesson of the chosen area.

This would be open to ALL irellevant of where you live.

A point to note is that this will not effect the monthly flight rallies in any way.



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Messages in this discussion
"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by jerryrosie on 02-20-02 at 21:53z
Conman -

Sounds like a GREAT idea! Can't say that I'd be available for any of them (depends on schedule) but the idea is a good one. I'd certainly try to make as many as I could arrange and particularly like the idea of flying around an area with someone who is familiar with it. Any idea of how long these sessions would last (in your concept, of the project, that is)?

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by James on 02-20-02 at 23:03z
Hi Jerry,

>> Sounds like a GREAT idea! <<

Thanks mate :-)

>> Any idea of how long these sessions would last (in your concept, of the project,
that is)? <<

Around about an hour possibly 2, this would be at the discretion of the person hosting.



**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by jerryrosie on 02-21-02 at 13:10z

> Around about an hour possibly 2, this would be at the discretion of the
> person hosting.

Outstanding! But, I just thought of another complication - we all have to be using the same "model" of FS, right? I'm still flying FS98:( Will we need to set up different sessions for different versions of FS?

^^^Reality...the refuge of those who can't handle simulation^^^

Cheers, Jerry

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.61 ****

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by James on 02-21-02 at 18:00z
Hi Jerry,

>> we all have to be using the same "model" of FS <<

Good point :-) and your probably correct :-) Not sure on how the flight rooms are set up but I would imagine we would all have to be using the same version of FS.



"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by RandyHaskins on 02-21-02 at 01:58z
Hi James,

Excellent idea! I've been thinking about showing off my home area sometime during some multiplayer flights. If I can ever remember to get online when everyone else does.


"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by James on 02-21-02 at 18:01z
Hi Randy,

No problem my friend :-) Keep an eye on this space :-)



"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by alanpugh on 02-21-02 at 03:10z
Great Idea,

I would be happy to host a tour of Boston, the South Shore, Cape Cod & the Islands. Plenty of history and
interesting things around here.


"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by James on 02-21-02 at 18:02z
Hi Alan,

:-) your on the list :-)



"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by greenie on 02-22-02 at 06:00z
Hi Alan,

>>I would be happy to host a tour of Boston, the South Shore, Cape Cod &
the Islands. Plenty of history and
interesting things around here.<<

That sounds great to me! That area is old stomping grounds. Sure is more interesting (history-wise) than the San Francisco Bay area where I'm now based. The weather is *MUCH* better here though <g>.

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.61 ****

"MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by greenie on 02-21-02 at 04:37z
Hey James,

>>This would be on the lines of some one Hosting the session from their
home airport or one of their favourites. It would entail a sight seeing
and history type lesson of the chosen area.<<

That sounds like a great idea. Count me in!

**** VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.61 ****

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by James on 02-21-02 at 18:03z
Yo Mike,

Your on the list to :-)



"MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by vgbaron on 02-22-02 at 01:35z
James -

Schedule dependant but count me in!

Vic Vic Baron.

**** VPC OffLine Reader Versionß BETA 1.0 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.61 ****

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by andor on 02-25-02 at 04:13z
Just hope there wasn,t a flight last night James.
, suddenly remembered about it at 0900 this morning (East Aust. time). I had and still have every intention of participating.. that is when I can remember to get up :)
Count me in... tardily as it is.
Regards Andyc.

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by James on 02-26-02 at 17:17z
Hi Andy,

Nope, you haven't missed out as yet :-) Still sorting out all the pro's and con's at the moment :-)



"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by Guido_Ostkamp on 02-26-02 at 22:01z
Hi James,

>I'm posting this feeler as to who would be interested in
>participating in MultiPlayer sessions on Sunday's at
>either 20:00 or 21:00 GMT.

please add me to the list. I would definitely prefer 20Z or earlier. I am at UTC+1 here, or UTC+2 in summer.

You said it would be a bit of sight-seeing. Does that mean we would use props or turbo-props? Would special scenery be required? Which version of FS will be used?



"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by James on 02-26-02 at 23:00z
Hi Guido,

>> please add me to the list. I would definitely prefer 20Z or earlier. I
am at UTC+1 here, or UTC+2 in summer. <<

Consider yourself added :-)

>> You said it would be a bit of sightseeing. Does that mean we would use
props or turboprops? Would special scenery be required? Which version
of FS will be used? <<

Sight seeing and probably a bit of a history lesson to :-) Aircraft would generally be prop/turboprop.
If there is special/specific Scenery then no doubt we will use it. There will be rooms for FS98 2000
and 2002 depending on individual preferences.


*** Wishing all pleasant and enjoyable flights ***

**** VPC OffLine Reader Versionß BETA 1.0 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.65 ****

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by Guido_Ostkamp on 03-02-02 at 09:59z

Hi James,

> Consider yourself added :-)


BTW: When does it all start? This sunday, March 3rd?



**** OLR.PL Build 1.68 ****

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by James on 03-02-02 at 12:45z
Hi Guido,

>> BTW: When does it all start? This sunday, March 3rd? <<

Will check a few more things out this week end but I would expect it to start up the week after the Flight Rally (17th March)
I'll need to get a list of which FS versions folk are using.


*** Wishing you all lots of pleasant and enjoyable flights ***

**** VPC OffLine Reader Versionß BETA 1.0 ****
**** OLR.PL Build 1.65 ****

"RE: MultiPlayer Day's"
Posted by Grahame on 02-28-02 at 16:50z
Hi James;

>I'm posting this feeler as to who would be interested in
>participating in MultiPlayer sessions on Sunday's at
>either 20:00 or 21:00 GMT.

Sounds great! I'm still fumbling around in here finding where things are, and my schedule is also somewhat unpredictable, but definitely yes in principle!

Grahame (EGPF)