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"FSNavigator and ATC"

Posted by WScofield on 02-17-02 at 22:27z
I've started using FSNavigator for flight planning, rather than the built-in MS program. I like it a lot. But I would like to get it to work with the ATC module - which means, I think, that I need to file an IFR flight plan. This is easy with the MS planner, but I haven't found a way to do it with FSNavigator.

Could one of the gurus who has been using FSNavigator with FS2K2 please point me in the right direction?



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Messages in this discussion
"RE: FSNavigator and ATC"
Posted by vgbaron on 02-18-02 at 00:02z
William -

If you're using FSNav 4.5 you can just create the flightplan and export it in the FS2002 format. Then load it with the FS2002 flightplanner and ATC will follow it.



"RE: FSNavigator and ATC"
Posted by WScofield on 02-18-02 at 01:39z
Hi Vic -

>If you're using FSNav 4.5 you can just create the
>flightplan and export it in the FS2002 format. Then load
>it with the FS2002 flightplanner and ATC will follow it.

Sounds like an answer. I'll give it a whirl. I did try to find the answer in the "help" documentation, but got did not find it. So I hoped this forum would come through - which it did!



"RE: FSNavigator and ATC"
Posted by James on 02-19-02 at 02:55z
Hi Vic,

>> Then load it with the FS2002 flight planner and ATC will follow it. <<

It will to a fashion :-) I can never get it to follow a flight plan 100% :-)



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"RE: FSNavigator and ATC"
Posted by vgbaron on 02-19-02 at 05:24z
> Hi Vic,
> >> Then load it with the FS2002 flight planner and ATC will follow it.
> <<
> It will to a fashion :-) I can never get it to follow a flight plan 100%
> :-)
> Regards,
> James.
> **** Using VPC OffLine Reader Version ****
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Yes, that IS frustrating. File an IFR flight plan and have ATC clear you for a visual approach. BUT it's a whole lot better than what it used to be! :)

Vic Baron.

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"RE: FSNavigator and ATC"
Posted by James on 02-19-02 at 17:07z
Hi Vic,

>> Yes, that IS frustrating. File an IFR flight plan and have ATC clear you
for a visual approach. BUT it's a whole lot better than what it used to
be! :) <<

True, it's neat but, still has a fault or two in it (technically not a bug) :-)



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