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Thread Number: 353
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"installing add on aircraft into microsoft flight Sim2002"

Posted by xicat1 on 02-13-02 at 19:55z
I can't pull the right file up to do the installation. what I get is different from what I see in the instructions. I'm going back to try this over. Would it make a diffrernce that I'm running Windows XP? I don't know, maby thats why I see different files. Thanks will let you know what happens. Bernard...

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"RE: installing add on aircraft into microsoft flight Sim2002"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-13-02 at 20:33z
Greetings Bernard:

>I can't pull the right file up to do the installation.
>what I get is different from what I see in the
>instructions. I'm going back to try this over.

It sounds like you can't find a file with the same name as the instructions indicate. Is this correct?

If you're using a shareware or freeware aircraft, the instructions tend to be less accurate. On the other hand, if you downloaded this aircraft, please make sure you scan it for virus' before doing anything else with it.

>Would it
>make a diffrernce that I'm running Windows XP?

It shouldn't. However, the default setting in other versions of Windows automatically hides the file extension of many common files types (.exe, .com, etc..).

>I don't
>know, maby thats why I see different files. Thanks will
>let you know what happens. Bernard...
