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Thread Number: 339
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Original Message
"Just dropped in...."

Posted by Francois on 02-06-02 at 13:42z
to say 'Hi' to you all.
This is one great site, and I'm sure I'll be dropping in more often....
Nice to see ya'll and good luck with FAVPC !!!


Francois A. 'Navman' Dumas


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Just dropped in...."
Posted by vgbaron on 02-06-02 at 16:26z
>to say 'Hi' to you all.
>This is one great site, and I'm sure I'll be dropping in
>more often....
>Nice to see ya'll and good luck with FAVPC !!!

Thanx for dropping by! :) The people who put this site together will appreciate the kind words. Come back often.

Vic Baron

"RE: Just dropped in...."
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-06-02 at 20:41z
>to say 'Hi' to you all.
>This is one great site, and I'm sure I'll be dropping in
>more often....
>Nice to see ya'll and good luck with FAVPC !!!

Greetings Francois:

Thanks for dropping in. Hope to see you around the VPC. Hope you're able to join us for a Rally sometime.


"RE: Just dropped in...."
Posted by Francois on 02-07-02 at 11:54z
>Greetings Francois:
>Thanks for dropping in. Hope to see you around the VPC.
>Hope you're able to join us for a Rally sometime.

Thanks Ben,
and nice to meet you... like your books !

I'll check in here...dunno about the Rallies... so many things to do these days ;-) Very busy with bush flying and everything around that lately, plus writing for magazines and AVSIM, and then trying to maintain my own websites... Sounds like a job nowadays.... LOL !

Good site this is, I like the concept!

"RE: Just dropped in...."
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-07-02 at 19:36z
Greetings Francois:

>Thanks Ben,
>and nice to meet you... like your books !

Nice to meet you too. Thanks for the kind words about my books.

>I'll check in here...dunno about the Rallies... so many
>things to do these days ;-) Very busy with bush flying
>and everything around that lately, plus writing for
>magazines and AVSIM, and then trying to maintain my own
>websites... Sounds like a job nowadays.... LOL !

Hehe, that's how it starts. :)

>Good site this is, I like the concept!

Thanks. The guys and I really appreciate all the positive feedback we can get. :)

We've got some really exciting changes in the pipeline. Please stay tuned!
