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"Flying the HUMP ?"

Posted by Tarmack on 01-31-02 at 12:51z


Need some help........I want to fly the "Hump" routes in Asia as was accomplished in World War II by the cargo fliers of the Army Air Corp........with the good ol DC-3.

Can anyone tell me a departure and arrival airport out of Burma/India for China or vice versa ? Them guys had to come back home after they got there. Grin.

I have done the appropriate Web search to try and find this info....but I just cant' find it! Certainly there are enough old timers here to remember.......PLEASE !



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"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-31-02 at 19:15z
Greetings Mel:

>Can anyone tell me a departure and arrival airport out of
>Burma/India for China or vice versa ? Them guys had to
>come back home after they got there. Grin.

As you may know, I'm a bit of a WWII air combat buff and the Flying Tigers are one of my favorite study topics. In fact, I credit The Flying Tigers movie (John Wayne) as one of the major influences on me wanting to become a pilot when I was a kid.

Anyway, the Flying Tigers protected the Burma Road which connected Kunming, China to Lashio, Burma. Lashio was connected to the port of Rangoon, Burma by railroad. Unfortunately I don't know what the modern names for these airports would be today.

Hope this helps!

"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by Tarmack on 02-01-02 at 00:45z


Thanks SO much.....and I can confirm your information !

I went down to our local library today and dug out some books to read.......then I ordered "Flying the Hump" from Barnes and Noble....then I purchased a World Atlas from BooksAMillion....and finally you gotta read this.

I admit to making a "posting" this morning on AVSIM.

Same title as was posted here.......Flying the HUMP.

In the message body I used the word "hump" a couple of more times.....but ONLY in the context of the actual air operations during WWII.....

To my surprise.....that entire message was DELETED...an automatic "Political Correct" type of program that decided that Tarmack was getting a bit "raunchy" with his choice of word......."HUMP".

Well, EXCUSE ME.....ol Tarmack has just posted his last message on AVSIM.

This world is getting a bit ridiculous.....thank goodness we can still say a word in its proper and historical context on Flight Adventures.



"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by WScofield on 02-01-02 at 03:03z
>This world is getting a bit ridiculous.....thank goodness
>we can still say a word in its proper and historical
>context on Flight Adventures.

Right you are! It has to do with camels, correct? Just ask my kids. (Let's see . . . there are dromedary, and there are . . . oh well, never mind.)


"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by TD on 02-03-02 at 18:06z
>>This world is getting a bit ridiculous.....thank goodness
>>we can still say a word in its proper and historical
>>context on Flight Adventures.
>Right you are! It has to do with camels, correct? Just
>ask my kids. (Let's see . . . there are dromedary, and
>there are . . . oh well, never mind.)

Bactrian... one Hump or two. Not to be confused with lumps (tea or beatin's) or stumps (tree or bloody).. :D

"TD - Virtual FAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!"

"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by jerryrosie on 02-01-02 at 15:25z
>>To my surprise.....that entire message was DELETED...an automatic "Political Correct" type of program <<

Doesn't surprise me one bit. Things are really getting rediculous in our modern attempt to "not offend anyone". I'm for offending everyone on occasion just so they know what it feels like :)

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by TD on 02-03-02 at 18:13z
>>>To my surprise.....that entire message
>was DELETED...an automatic "Political Correct" type of
>program <<

>Doesn't surprise me one bit. Things are really getting
>rediculous in our modern attempt to "not offend anyone".
>I'm for offending everyone on occasion just so they
>know what it feels like :)
>***Reality - the refuge of those who
>can't handle simulation***

>Cheers, Jerry (N94)

<bounces up and down, waving hands in the air> Can I? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease??

I have to admit that there are times when diplomacy is better than the truth, ie: "ma'am, your son is just a little 'slow'" instead of "Lady, your kid is a freekin' moron, and lookin' atchu I can see where he gits it.." or "no dear, the dress doesn't make you look fat" rather than "Shoot honey, anyone standing next to the Anorexics Anonymous class at the Y would look big. You really do it better than others..."

However, there are times when being whapped in the head with reality is a lot better than labouring under the misimpression that your fondest delusion could come true. "TD, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio will never call you for a date. She doesn't know you are alive." is probably easier to deal with in the long run than, "well, chin up little buckeroo, some day your movie princess will come". :D

"TD - Virtual FAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!"

"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by Tarmack on 02-01-02 at 11:58z


As we speak I am flying the HUMP !!

The airports are in FS2002 and they are also in my newly aquired Atlas.

FSNav even shows the airway for a direct flight........Amber 599 (A599)...and the distance is less than 300 nautical miles.

Lashio is VYLS and Kunming is ZPPP for those of you with the Magenta CDU software.

I also downloaded a SkySong Soundworks file last night for the DC3 and C47....simply SUPERB sounds.

The file is c47snz.zip, is on AVSIM or at ARSpilot@netscape.net

Having a ball !


Cap'n Tarmack

"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by jerryrosie on 02-01-02 at 15:26z
Bringing a new dimension to Flight Simulation!!

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-01-02 at 18:30z
>As we speak I am flying the HUMP !!

I'm getting goose bumps thinking about it! We should have a mulitplayer recreation so some of us can fly P-40's to escort you! :)

>Lashio is VYLS and Kunming is ZPPP for those of you with
>the Magenta CDU software.

Wow, I guess I should have know that if the Japanese Imperial forces couldn't take them out, why would they disappear after time. They should continue to exist as tributes to what they represent.

>I also downloaded a SkySong Soundworks file last night for
>the DC3 and C47....simply SUPERB sounds.

Hey, send us some screen shots of your flight!

>Having a ball !

Ding hao, Cap'n! :)


"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by RickLee on 02-02-02 at 17:22z
Cap'n... what DC3 are you using? A few years back, I got so enamored of the old birds that I started planning to build an FS98 cockpit based on the DC-3... got some old WWII manuals from a re-printer. But that plan fell by the wayside. At some point I'd like to get back into DC-3 flying. Are there any DC-3 aircraft with virtual cockpits?

Rick Lee www.rickleephoto.com

"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by Tarmack on 02-03-02 at 11:37z


I am using the R4D/DC3 from
Roy Chaffin On behalf of RCS Panels

This set of files have been rewritten for FS2002 and are the best thing out there.........now. No virtual cockpit yet.....but certainly someone is working on that!

I think the file you want to search for.....on AVSIM or Flightsim is r4d2k2.zip



"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by Tarmack on 02-06-02 at 20:54z


I rec'd, just today, a book that I purchased from Barnes and Noble, entitled Flying The Hump and in that book I found a nice map of the Hump Routes and a picture of the Burma Road, the infamous 21 Curve section, that the air route helped to replace!

There is also one more shot of my cockpit as I am leaving out of Moran! I also learned that Pan American Airlines flew the Kunming to Calcutta route in the 30's as passenger service !

The "Hump" started service in 1942 on April 8th.....so I was 2 days old then. Grin.

The more northern routes, the higher mountain areas were actually preferred for the flights as there was less fighter action from the Japanese. The southern routes were almost certain to have some attacks.......and so again....BAD weather became WANTED by the pilots...they could then hide in the clouds.

Sadly, there were over 600 DC-3's and larger airplanes LOST while flying these routes. This is an amazing book and I am only on Chapter 3. Grin.

I am sending you the photo's to your private mailbox and hope that you can post them in relation to this message.



"HUMP pictures :)"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-08-02 at 23:24z
Here are the pictures from Mel.

The folks at Texas A&M University Press (toll-free order line is 800-626-3494 and web address is http://www.tamu.edu/upress) were kind enough to grant us permission to reprint them here. They're from "Flying the Hump" by Otha C. Spencer.

Map of the Hump Routes

The infamous 21 Curve section of the Burma Road that the air route helped to replace!

One more shot of my cockpit as I am leaving out of Moran!

"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by Francois on 02-07-02 at 11:59z
Hi Mel,

you may also want to check out Michael Vone's site. He has an 'adventure' about flying the Hump in a DC-3!
You can find his site here: http://avsim.com/hangar/utils/mvchallenges/

Or via the AVSIM AER of course ;-)

Jan Visser is working on a totally new DC-3, including VC, built with GMax. But it will be awhile before he publishes that.

Kind regards,


"RE: Flying the HUMP ?"
Posted by Tarmack on 02-09-02 at 22:04z


My thanks go out to you and Ben for adding to this thread.....I will certainly look forward to Jan's new work on the DC-3 and a big thanks to Ben for his work in getting permission to publish the pictures from the superb book, Flying the Hump.

With over 600 aircraft lost in operations in this area it boggles my mind. Can you imagine the loss of 600 airliners over one single route?!!

I am about half way through the book...and it looks like the biggest fault was not the equipment totally.....it was in the inexperience of the flight crews. Young kids with less than 200 hours flying time attempting to fly the worst conditions in the world while asking their airplanes to almost do the impossible.

American Airlines sent 40 pilots to this area, under the direction of Roosevelt to attempt to help train the new kids....but 4 of those pilots were also killed while operating the hump.

This is a great use of flight simulation....to not only relive what pilots did before us, but also to expeience in some small way their feelings while flying over this forbidding terrain.


Cap'n Tarmack