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Thread Number: 329
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Original Message
"FS2K2 "Choppy" performances"

Posted by Emile on 01-31-02 at 12:02z
FS2K2 I refer to the Q314140 & Q314256 found in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) "Game performance
is 'choppy'"
What means "choppy"?; I run WIN98 SE and I find that many
times (when landing for example) and displaying view "spot
plane" the image is zooming +, zooming--, zoming ++.

Any idea how to solve this?
thanks in advance
Emile EBBR

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: FS2K2 "Choppy" performances"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-31-02 at 23:51z
Greetings Emile:

>What means "choppy"?

"Choppy" usually describes stop and start motion (pauses).

>I run WIN98 SE and I find that many
>times (when landing for example) and displaying view "spot
>plane" the image is zooming +, zooming--, zoming ++.
>Any idea how to solve this?

Unrequested commands are usually caused by bad controllers (typically bad pots). Try disabling your controller (joystick, yoke, etc.) and let us know if you still see the zooming problem.


"RE: FS2K2 "Choppy" performances"
Posted by vgbaron on 02-01-02 at 02:05z
>What means "choppy"?; I run WIN98 SE and I find that many
>times (when landing for example) and displaying view "spot
>plane" the image is zooming +, zooming--, zoming ++.

Emile -

If I understand you correctly, you might also want to check in View/View Options/Spot Plane and be sure to UNcheck "Gradual Transition". I've found that to be helpful with the "zooming" effect.



"RE: FS2K2 "Choppy" performances"
Posted by Emile on 02-01-02 at 17:45z
Genial (as we say in French) HTH, this is the solution!!
How to make it permanent??
Again thanks a lot
Emile EBBR

"RE: FS2K2 "Choppy" performances"
Posted by vgbaron on 02-02-02 at 17:57z
Emile -

Set up a flight as you want it with all the various options and save it as the default flight. Then when FS loads, it will retain these settings. *sometimes* however, you might load an adventure or some other flight you download and it will override these options. Just reset them


"RE: FS2K2 "Choppy" performances"
Posted by Emile on 02-03-02 at 07:40z
OK Copy
Thanks again
Emile EBBR