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Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 316
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Original Message

Posted by James on 01-26-02 at 15:23z
The Staff of flightadventures would like to invite you all to participate in the VCP FLIGHT RALLY #2 taking place on Sunday the 10th of February 2002.

As you are aware (if not, you are now :-) ) that the location for this rally is the home town of the flightadventures founder "Ben Chiu". Without Ben I don't think a lot of us ex CIS guy's would be holding another Flight Rally, Thank's Ben.

I'm not up on the US Local History or such so will leave all you budding authors to dream some thing up (I know TD will) :-)

Details are as follows :-

San Luis Obispo Co-McChesney (KSBP) - California.

ATIS 120.60
CTAF 124.00
Ground 121.60
Tower 124.00
Center 119.05
UNICOM 122.95

Altitude 206 ft
Mag Var -14.8 deg

Rwy 29 (ISBP) ILS 109.70 @ 27nm
Length 4798 ft x 150 ft
Approach Course 290 deg

Rwy 11 (ISBP) ILS 109.70 @ 27nm
Length 4798 ft x 150 ft
Approach Course 110 deg

Rwy 25
Approach Course 255 deg
Length 3255 ft x 100 ft

Rwy 07
Approach Coarse 75 deg
Length 3255 ft x 100ft

I will no doubt be hosting another MP Session (FS2002) for this, so if any one wishes to join me feel free. IP will be published an hour or two before I take off (wherever that may be from). So I'm hoping that you will all join me for this flight.

Now is the time for you all to dive into all the scenery web sites and grab what you can :-) Have a safe flight.


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Messages in this discussion
Posted by KaptainKit on 01-27-02 at 00:01z
Hmmmmm, a 5000 mile plus flight and a 5000 ft runway at the end. THAT'S going to sort the pilots from the fly-boys....

I feel something special is called for here. :-)

Thanks for the early heads-up, gives us more time for planning.


Posted by alanpugh on 01-28-02 at 13:18z

Actually, it may serve to sort the pilots from
the parachutists <g>

Hope to see you there and I hope you are resolving
your PC problems.


Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-28-02 at 17:06z
Greetings Kit:

>Hmmmmm, a 5000 mile plus flight and a 5000 ft runway at
>the end. THAT'S going to sort the pilots from the

Just FYI, the runway at KSBP has been extended by 500' since FS2K2 was released. We've got updated scenery that we'll be releasing shortly that reflects the construction changes.

Regardless, you might consider a Gulfstream IV for your flight. I once gave a checkout to the pilot of GS-IV (owned by a founder of AOL come to think of it) after they just returned from Europe.


Posted by KaptainKit on 01-31-02 at 09:37z
Hello Ben,

>Regardless, you might consider a Gulfstream IV for your
>flight. I once gave a checkout to the pilot of GS-IV
>(owned by a founder of AOL come to think of it) after they
>just returned from Europe.

Hehehe, the guys from the Cserve forum would chuckle at the thought of me flying something as conventional as a GIV!

I'm afraid I have a penchant for wierd and wonderful aircraft, quite often flying boats or amphibians, and also ones way out of historical period too. Not QUITE as off the wall as some of TD's choices though! :)

I downloaded some scenery for San Luis Obispo for both FS98 and FS02 this week. Looks an interesting area AND there's a harbour close by too....


Posted by AlanParkinson on 01-31-02 at 22:08z
Hi Kit.

>Hehehe, the guys from the Cserve forum would chuckle at
>the thought of me flying something as conventional as a

Chuckle? We'd be calling out the men in white coats!


Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-28-02 at 17:01z
>Flight Rally, Thank's Ben.

Thanks, James. So far no regrets and I think I can speak for all involved that it's been a pleasure so far. If we can generate a more Crew memberships (or at least sell some more stuff) we'll be secure for at least the rest of the year. We're close, but we're not there yet. If you haven't joined the VPC Crew yet, please consider doing so to help keep our doors open.

>I'm not up on the US Local History or such so will leave
>all you budding authors to dream some thing up (I know TD
>will) :-)

Perhaps these links will help:

San Luis Obispo Airport: http://www.sloairport.com

San Luis Obispo Weather (live weather cam -- seems to be down this morning): http://www.sanluisweather.com

City of San Luis Obispo (history, sites, etc): http://www.ci.san-luis-obispo.ca.us/

And of course we have our FAA Aviation Safety Program page that has more detailed information about KSBP contruction changes. http://www.safety.flightadventures.com

>Now is the time for you all to dive into all the scenery
>web sites and grab what you can

We'll release Central California Coast scenery for FS2K2 soon that covers the area (it contains the airport changes at KSBP). Please hold tight.


Posted by James on 01-28-02 at 17:48z
>> If you haven't joined the VPC Crew yet, <<
:-) Done deal...

>> Perhaps these links will help: <<

Thank's my friend.

>> We'll release Central California Coast scenery for FS2K2 soon that covers the area <<

No problem.


"FS2K2 Central Coast scenery released"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-01-02 at 01:15z
Hot off the presses!

Al Wheeler's Centeral Coast scenery is now available. http://www.flightadventures.com/misc/CCCoast1.ZIP

For VPC Crew that Beta tested this scenery, Al says:
"Be sure that anyone that has the beta installed removes it entirely including the SCENERY.CFG entry before doing the install."

See y'all at KSBP!


"RE: FS2K2 Central Coast scenery patch 1"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-02-02 at 22:48z
We've just posted Al's patch for the above file. It fixes Laguna and Atascadero Lake's water to make them useable for float planes.



"FS2K2 Central Coast scenery updated"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-04-02 at 01:50z
Effective 02-04-02 0148z

We've updated the original California Central Coast FS2K2 scenery file to include Patch 1.

The file name and link remains the same. http://www.flightadventures.com/misc/CCCoast1.ZIP

If you're downloading this file after the above effective date and time YOU DO NOT NEED TO DOWNLOAD CCCfix.zip.


Posted by KaptainKit on 02-10-02 at 20:20z
Well, I'd like to have joined the Conf. for Rally #2, but I can't find where it is on the site. :-(

Can someone post exact details for the location for next time please? By exact, I mean which icon I need to click on in the entrance lounge as the boxes and titles at the bottom of the page just crash both my browsers and I have to re-boot the PC to get them to work again.


Posted by James on 02-10-02 at 21:21z
Hi Kit,

Sorry you had a problem (so did I). Click on the Sofa and then scroll down to the Launch button. Click it and away you go :-)



Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-10-02 at 21:29z
>Can someone post exact details for the location for next
>time please? By exact, I mean which icon I need to click
>on in the entrance lounge as the boxes and titles at the
>bottom of the page just crash both my browsers and I have
>to re-boot the PC to get them to work again.

Greetings Kit:

To enter the Pilot Lounge chat, you can either click on the chat button or the couch in the picture to open the Chat Info page. From there you can select the Pilot Lounge chat room. There are also two chat clients/methods that you can use to log on to the chat server--MSChat (IRC) or WebChat (Java). We recommend the former.

Note that the MSChat client method requires you to download and install MSChat first. Once that's done, you launch it by clicking the Launch button.

To access via Web Chat, just click the link that says "Join the Pilot Lounge through FlightAdventures WebChat"

I don't know what you mean by the boxes and titles cause your machine to crash. I'm assuming you mean the main VPC page menu. If they've been causing your system to crash, how do you access this message board?

Andrew Luck recently started having problem with the main page and he's traced it down and rectified the problem to IE. If you have Java script disabled on your browser none of the menu stuff will work. Also, if you have open new windows disabled, none of this will work. We've learned that MS's new Hot Fix for IE disables the new window option by default, so you may have to go in an return the setting manually if you've applied the hot fixe recently.

You can read up on the fix here:

Hope this helps.

Posted by andrewluck on 02-11-02 at 18:17z
>>Andrew Luck recently started having problem with the main page and he's traced it down and rectified the problem to IE

Did I ever. Took me most of Sunday to sort that one out.

Q272322 refers specifically to my problem, which was IE not opening new windows (pretty fatal for this site as virtually everything opens in a new window). I eventually fixed this, after trying pretty much everything else by installing and then removing MS Office. This fixed up the OLE stuff that was broken in my registry.

IE 5.5 sp2 hotfixes are Q312461 and Q313675. It's worth taking a lok at these if you haven't already as they plug some gaping holes in IE's security.

Andrew Luck

Posted by KaptainKit on 02-12-02 at 00:04z
Hi Ben, and James too,

>To enter the Pilot Lounge chat, you can either click on
>the chat button or the couch in the picture to open the
>Chat Info page. From there you can select the Pilot Lounge
>chat room. There are also two chat clients/methods that
>you can use to log on to the chat server--MSChat (IRC) or
>WebChat (Java). We recommend the former.

Hm, OK, I'll try that.

>I don't know what you mean by the boxes and titles cause
>your machine to crash. I'm assuming you mean the main VPC
>page menu. If they've been causing your system to crash,
>how do you access this message board?

The bits that you call the buttons I guess. The black texts on the pale grey boxes at the bottom of the page. If I click on any of them both Netscape and IE freeze and refuse to work again until I reboot. To get here I click on the 'Message Board' pinned to the desk in the main lounge.

>If you have Java script disabled on your browser none
>of the menu stuff will work. Also, if you have open new
>windows disabled, none of this will work.<

Netscape sometimes fails with the 'No Java enabled' error, but it's wrong, I DO have it enabled and don't have that problem anywhere else. New windows is definitely enabled, viz. this is written in a new window.


Posted by Ben Chiu on 02-12-02 at 02:54z
Greetings Kit:

>Netscape sometimes fails with the 'No Java enabled' error,
>but it's wrong, I DO have it enabled and don't have that
>problem anywhere else.

There are some known compatability errors here with Netscape. We'll get to them eventually. Right now we're just concerned with getting at least one browser working correctly first. As for not seeing any problems anywhere else, we'll we do a lot of things that aren't done anywhere else, so that's no surprise. :)

>New windows is definitely enabled,
>viz. this is written in a new window.

OK, if you're able to access via the graphic link, then that narrows it down. Can you run any Javascripts?

Does the UTC clock (you can click the picture) work?

If not, I'd say your Java compiler is disabled or corrupted. In IE, check Tools: Internet Options: Advanced and let us know if under MicrosoftVM JIT compiler for virtual machine is enabled or not.
