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Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 297
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"2PCs and flight rooms"

Posted by Vulcan on 01-20-02 at 11:00z
For on line flying with VATSIM I use 2 PCs via Pete Dowson's Widefs so that one PC runs FS and the other provides the internet connection and runs SB, RW, FS Meteo etc.

Can I use this set-up with flight rooms or must the PC that conencts to the flight room also be running FS?


8nm NE of EGCC

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"RE: 2PCs and flight rooms"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 01-20-02 at 19:54z
>Can I use this set-up with flight rooms or must the PC
>that conencts to the flight room also be running FS?

I don't know if you can use the 2nd PC. So far we've only tried connecting to FlyNow! using the PC with FS on it.
