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Thread Number: 278
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Original Message
"Spot View"

Posted by Flyfisher on 01-13-02 at 06:56z
Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to zoom in on the planes so as to get a closer look when viewing from the spot camera in FS2K2?
Ian Burton

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Spot View"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 01-13-02 at 12:28z
Hi Ian,

Use the + and - keys on the main keyboard (not on the number pad) for zooming. Shift plus the key for fine zooming. The distance of the spot plane is set in Views / View Options. Choose Spot Plane and enter the distance. For a 747 try 500ft and then zoom accordingly. This will retain a realistic perspective. For a Cessna the default should be fine.


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE: Spot View"
Posted by Flyfisher on 01-13-02 at 19:29z
Thanks very much,it works perfectly.

"RE: Spot View"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 01-13-02 at 20:23z

You're welcome :-)


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England

"RE: Spot View"
Posted by Gunner on 01-13-02 at 22:02z
Hi Ian!

>Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to zoom in on
>the planes so as to get a closer look when viewing from
>the spot camera in FS2K2?
>Ian Burton

Finally, a FS question I knew how to answer and my old cyberpal Ray Proudfoot beats me to the punch! Hey Ray, good to see you!

However, that says a LOT about this community, a gent in NZ asks a question, one of the real FS Experts from across the Atlantic (from me) answers it, and now a guy in the U.S. is whining about being too slow! :-)

It's great to see ya here and I'm glad to see yer having fun with FS this summer! After all, that is Gunner's First Rule (actually Gunner's Only Rule!)

Have Fun! (tm)
-= Gunner =-

"RE: Spot View"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 01-13-02 at 22:54z
Hi Gunner!

Nice to see you here too! Thanks for those nice words - I'm not sure I deserve them but appreciate them nevertheless :-)

I'm only quick because I get up 5 hours earlier than you ;-)
I'm sure you'll beat me on the late shift - I'm about to hit the sack and my response during the week will definitely be slower giving you the chance for a few brownie points! :D

Fun? Maybe when I get my Athlon - the Pentium is showing its age :-(


Ray Proudfoot,
Cheshire, England