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Thread Number: 244
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"Request to MS for FS2002"

Posted by RayProudfoot on 12-26-01 at 14:24z
Hi all,

On the whole I'm extremely pleased with FS2002 and once I have the 767PIC up and running FS2000 will be deleted from my system.

However, there is one aspect of FS2002 that drives me mad. If I wish to place my aircraft at a particular airport at a particular time it requires two actions in the menu and each requires a load of data which takes some time.

All that is needed is a little re-design of the menu system by Microsoft to allow these two options to be chosen in a single pass.

So, if anyone has contact with the development team at Microsoft could you please ask them to consider including this in the forthcoming patch. Although not formally announced I'm sure there will be a patch although I'm not optimistic that such changes will be considered.

Despite that I still think it's a reasonable request. Was this asked for by beta testers?



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"RE: Request to MS for FS2002"
Posted by RayProudfoot on 12-26-01 at 16:10z
Me again,

Ignore my previous message. Whilst not perfect, choosing "Show Opening Screen" in Settings / General does allow me to choose Airport and time together.



"RE: Request to MS for FS2002"
Posted by James on 12-27-01 at 12:03z
Hi Ray,

That was going to be my reply <LOL>. Yes, MS Dev Team were asked about changing this but it was rejected under the issue of stability and frame rates etc etc. I know it's a PITA but as you found out for your self it's fairly easy a work around :-)

