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"Texture problems!"

Posted by MikeE on 12-20-01 at 03:39z
I am having texture problems. I am developing simple structures with FSDS then attaching texures to appropriate sides. I am making sure that these textures are 16 or 32 bit textures, not 24 bit. I am insuring that the appropriate textures are then copied to the texure dir. of Airport v.2.62 plus the texture directory of the scenery I am adding to. When I process with Airport and start FS2K2, I see the object but the texures are not there. The side of the object in question is white, not the color of the object. Any help would be appreciated!

Happy landings,
Mike Eppright

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Texture problems!"
Posted by DeeWaldron on 12-20-01 at 23:13z
Hi Mike,
Even if you're using 16 and 32 bit textures, the total color count in the texture file must still be 256. It can be any 256 colors you want, but only 256. So make sure you've reduced your color pallete to the closest 256 colors when you save it.
Hope that helps!

Happy Holidays,
Dee Waldron (HJG)

"RE: Texture problems!"
Posted by MikeE on 12-21-01 at 01:36z
I'll recheck that. Thanks. This is proving an elusive problem.

Happy landings,
Mike Eppright

"RE: Texture problems!"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 12-21-01 at 01:55z
Greetings Mike:

I asked Al Wheeler about this for you (he does our scenery). Here's his reply:

I'm certainly no expert on FSDS; I've only had it for a couple of weeks and I'm pretty low on the learning curve. In the past I've used VOD.

A couple of thoughts though.

Your problem is probably the color depth. You're limited to 256 colors in each texture. The textures have to be square and powers of 2 (256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024). This is all covered in the FSDS help file.

The textures don't need to be in the Airport 2.xx directory. They only have to be in the texture directory for the scenery that you're creating or, and I don't recommend this, in the main FS texture directory. Whichever, this must be the directory that you designate from within FSDS in Texture Assignments (F4). You should see the textures applied to your object in the 3d display of the object in FSDS if the textures are located by FSDS and all is right with the texture but: FS is going to look for the textures for the object you placed in your scenery BGL file in the texture directory of the scenery you add via World, Scenery, etc.... or in the main FS2002/TEXTURE directory. If you used some other directory for the texture when you created the object, FS won't find it because the path is not carried through in the resulting API file that FSDS creates.

I hope this helps.

Al Wheeler

Merry Christmas!

"RE: Texture problems!"
Posted by MikeE on 12-21-01 at 16:16z
I appreciate the help. As it turns out after reading many messages and tutorials last night, the texture I was having trouble with had a space in the name. I changed it from HPN terminal to HPN_terminal. That seems to have done the trick. Apparently FS doesn't like spaces. There may be more obstacles as I am trying to duplicate the White Plains, NY/Westchester County terminal building. It is a building that appears to have been added on to several times over the years.

Happy landings,
Mike Eppright