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Thread Number: 203
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"GAMERS is dead...."

Posted by jerryrosie on 12-07-01 at 14:29z
Today, December 7th in the year 2002, when I logged on to CompuServe at 0630 EST, OzWin reported that GAMERS FORUM was closed.

She lived nearly seven days after life support was withdrawn.

It was FDR who called December 7th "the day that shall live in infamy" ....somehow seems appropriate...:-(

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by vgbaron on 12-07-01 at 16:19z

R.I.P. :'(


"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by andrewluck on 12-07-01 at 20:11z
Just rang Customer Services and cancelled my account. Feels like the end of an era, I've been with them since 1992.

Andrew Luck

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by TD on 12-08-01 at 15:32z
>Just rang Customer Services and cancelled my account.
>Feels like the end of an era, I've been with them since
>Andrew Luck

So did they do the, "Mr. Luck, I see you have been a member with us since 1992. Before we cancel the acct., do you mind if I ask why?
<insert answer here>
Ahhh. Yeah, I remember my times with Compuserve, it really was magic back in <insert year here>
Do you remember the <insert forum name here> Forum? Man, I was in there at all times of the day and night when I first got on.." schpiel/Schtick?

"TD - VFAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!"

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by andrewluck on 12-08-01 at 20:04z
>So did they do the, "Mr. Luck, I see you have been a
>member with us since 1992. Before we cancel the acct., do
>you mind if I ask why?
><insert answer here>
>Ahhh. Yeah, I remember my times with Compuserve, it
>really was magic back in <insert year here>
>Do you remember the <insert forum name here> Forum? Man,
>I was in there at all times of the day and night when I
>first got on.." schpiel/Schtick?
>"TD - VFAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!"

The first bit anyway<g>. Not that they care.

Andrew Luck

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by TD on 12-08-01 at 21:13z
That is the standard training all saves-que agents get. Be sure to keep your deactivation number close-by, and watch your credit-card statement. Based on the age of the acct., and payment method chosen, you might see one more charge due to it being Last-Saturday Arrears methodology, but with the #, you have proof that they should end.

"TD - VFAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!"

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by James on 12-07-01 at 20:18z
Hi Jerry,

Yep, they switched the lights off for the last time :-(


"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by PL965Melo on 12-08-01 at 04:40z
Hi Jerry,

>Today, December 7th in the year 2002, when I logged on to >CompuServe at 0630 EST, OzWin reported that GAMERS FORUM >was closed.

Oh N000! Not another disaster on my Birthday.

>It was FDR who called December 7th "the day that shall
>live in infamy"
....somehow seems appropriate...:-(

Unfortunately, yes. :-(


"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 12-08-01 at 05:55z
>>Oh N000! Not another disaster on my Birthday.<<

Hope you had a good one at any rate! ;-)

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by PL965Melo on 12-15-01 at 18:33z
Hi Greenie,

>Hope you had a good one at any rate! ;-)

Yes, it was a good one. Went out to dinner with my family. Came home and had cake and ice cream and a few presents. (One of them was the registration for FSNav 4.5 :-))

Also, the bithday boy got to pick out the videos at the video store. Watched "The Malta Story". Lots of spitfire's including a PR version. Recommend the movie.


"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by normster on 12-08-01 at 22:14z
Hi Jerry!

Good to be on here...even if I can't use Old faithful OZWin2!

Yeah, I found exactly the same thing when I tried to log in to the GAMERS forum last nite.

But let's face one fact...it was truly great while it lasted and I will miss many of the "faces" that we used to
have on FSFORUM and GAMERS.

At least - and I say this with great anticipation - we DO have this nifty web site where we can hang out.

Has anyone thought about doing another rallye here?


"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 12-08-01 at 23:06z
Hi Norm,

>>Has anyone thought about doing another rallye here?<<

You bet!! We'll fire up monthly rallies once again once the dust settles a bit. Most likely January, maybe February. The main hurdle is getting the Flight Rooms functioning the way we'd like.

It's great to have you here!

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by Ben Chiu on 12-09-01 at 01:31z
>The main hurdle is getting the Flight Rooms
>functioning the way we'd like.

Actually, that shouldn't be a hurrdle. While they don't operate the way we'd ultimately like them to, they are servicable and work well once you get past the registration bits. Vic, Randy, and Jerry seem to have it working already.


"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 12-09-01 at 04:01z
>>Actually, that shouldn't be a hurrdle. While they don't operate the way we'd ultimately like them to, they are servicable and work well once you get past the registration bits. Vic, Randy, and Jerry seem to have it working already.<<

Oh, I agree, but that's the "Fly-Now" software working there. I was talking about the flight rooms themselves. You have to admit, there would be alot less confusion if we didn't need "Fly-Now."

I say though, no matter what's functional, we start the rallies back up in Jan.

**6 miles SSE KSJC**

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by jerryrosie on 12-09-01 at 14:38z

>>I say though, no matter what's functional, we start the rallies back up in Jan.<<

I second that. After all, the ralleys in GAMERS were unsupported by anything but our imaginations...:-)

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by jerryrosie on 12-09-01 at 14:33z
>>Good to be on here...even if I can't use Old faithful OZWin2!<<

Yep! I am becoming more familiar with the workings here but it still bugs an old Sig Corps communicator to be "poking the tape while on-line" :-)

>>Has anyone thought about doing another rallye here?<<

Yep - but we wanted to get some of the "kinks" worked out first. There are so many features available here that it could really improve the experience once we all figure out how to use them. I think they were shooting for sometime in January for the first ralley.....

Good to see you here. Any chance that you'll finish the Rio ferry trip and post it to the magazine here?

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry (N94)

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by vgbaron on 12-09-01 at 21:18z
Well, I bit the bullet and called CIS and cancelled my account after quite afew years. Don't recall exactly when I signed up but I recall paying 22.50/hour. Tapcis hadn't been released yet so all was done online. Of course, I remember using programs like Lynx, Telnet and gopher to zip around the net - and it was FAST - even at 14.4k.

Couldn't believe the rep, he tried to get me to switch to C2000. Failed to grasp what my gripe was about. Finally gave up when I described to him what I thought the letters AOL stood for.

Ah well, the end of an era...........

Long live the VPC!


"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by Tarmack on 12-16-01 at 16:56z


I had several months where my total Compuserve bill was over 200 bucks....the months I would log on from Tokyo or Hong Kong.....and that was not all.....there was also a local hotel charge for those same times!

As much as it used to cost....at the time it sure seemed worth it !


Cap'n Tarmack

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by vgbaron on 12-16-01 at 19:43z

>As much as it used to cost....at the time it sure seemed
>worth it !

AT the time, with the quantity and quality of the forums, especially as compared to other sources(MSN, PRODIGY, etc) it was worth it.


"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by Vulcan on 12-16-01 at 20:39z
Hey Cap'n,

What a very pleasant surprise to see that sig again.

I frequently popped into your forum at Avsim until you closed it and I thought we had lost a very valuable member of the community.

Very pleased to see you in here.

Best wishes to and yours for the holiday season.

8nm NE of EGCC

"RE: GAMERS is dead...."
Posted by TD on 12-16-01 at 20:35z

You were logging in on the supplemental network were you not?

"TD - Virtual FAA investigators are on line 2, AGAIN!!!"