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"Plane Turns on final !! HEEELLPP!!!!!!"

Posted by CaptainSpeaking on 12-03-01 at 03:40z
First of all I want to say "Hello" to everyone. I am new here and I just signed up a few minutes ago.

Secondly, I have a I have big, BIG problem and maybe you can help me. It's about the ILS system in FS2000(Standard and Professional). I am not sure whether all the FS products have this problem but my product has a problem and it's very very annoying. The ILS works fine but when you come for landing whether you flying a 737-400 OR/AND a 777-300, but the plane turns on the final approach. Normally, when you are coming for the final approach, the thruster are automatically set to reverse, but sometimes in some Airports or should I say most Airports and runways, the plane turns when I am coming in for the final approach.
I have called Techical support about 10 times and they tell me that a lot of people have experieced this problem with the ILS system. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me what to do?? It is so annoying. Even, on the realism settings when I set the crash and damage to ignore crash, the plane still turns on the final approach. It's got nothing to do with my landing speed. I normally land between 135-140 KIAS. Even if I am too fast or a bit slow, the plane should NOT turn when coming for the final approach with the ILS.
THIS is a bug that Microsoft needs to Fix immediatly. I have written to them so many times but they have done nothing. When the FS2000 Professional edition came out, I puchased it and it had the same problem. So just a month ago, I bought FS2000 (Standard Edition) and it too had the same problem. "AAAAARRRRRHHH" --> So annoying!

I do play FS2002 sometimes but I really like FS2000 and I have a lot of add-on products for FS2000 and I think the graphics are much, much better than FS2002.

If anyone out there that can help me, PLEASE let me know.

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"RE: Plane Turns on final !! HEEELLPP!!!!!!"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 12-03-01 at 04:15z
Greetings Neeraj:

>First of all I want to say "Hello" to everyone. I am new
>here and I just signed up a few minutes ago.

Welcome to the VPC!

I just answered your email, but I see you posted here as well, so I might as well post my reply just in case others might benefit from it as well.

>Normally, when you are coming for the final approach, the
>thruster are automatically set to reverse, but sometimes
>in some Airports or should I say most Airports and
>runways, the plane turns when I am coming in for the final

You need to realize that not all airports are CATIII certified. This means not all airports will allow you to fly to the ground on autopilot.

Second, do you have the game patches installed? If so, there is still a bug with the system, but at least it is workable IF you keep your airspeed in the right range (about 150KIAS in the 777 at a typical landing weight), and you're in a stabilized approach. The thing that many people never consider that you need to have a light fuel load in order for this to work more reliably in FS2K.

>I normally land between 135-140 KIAS.

Please see above.

>Even if I am too fast or a bit slow, the plane
>should NOT turn when coming for the final approach with
>the ILS. THIS is a bug that Microsoft needs to Fix

Yes it is a bug, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for MS to fix it. MS has moved on to FS2K2 already.

Hope this helps and Happy Holidays!

"RE: Plane Turns on final !! HEEELLPP!!!!!!"
Posted by andor on 12-04-01 at 23:03z
I had (and continue to have the same problem) I used the term "roll" on final and approx 100 feet above threshold Alt.
I found that when the "throttle quadrant" displayed the throttles automatically went to idle reverse, in approx. this position, manually increasing the throttle, watching the quadrant, levelled the aircraft with no time for an increase in speed to take effect (Nailed at 150 kts.) OR immediately this "roll" effect started, disengage the Auto-Pilot, increase throttle slightly and land manually.
By doing all this I have probably broken every rule in the book so please don,t quote me, also I still have a tendency to touch down and wonder why she stops so suddenly, that is until I have a look in the spot view and find the undercarriage has collapsed.. :) Good luck.
Hope to see you in the CHAT,