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Thread Number: 178
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"HP137 update (screen shot)"

Posted by DeeWaldron on 11-27-01 at 03:04z
We're getting closer to releasing it now. Here's a screen shot of the current beta model in Sierra Pacific (1977) paint scheme, FS2002 Pro at Bishop California. Not a bad picture for a 16mb Voodoo 3 card!


Dee Waldron (HJG)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: HP137 update (screen shot)"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 11-27-01 at 04:53z
Greetings Dee:

Did MS forget shadows again or do you have them disabled?

On another note regarding NEA, if you guys come up with a small icon, we can give them to your pilots. Just a thought. It might be cool for each VA to display their "colors."


"RE: HP137 update (screen shot)"
Posted by DeeWaldron on 11-27-01 at 05:14z
I have airplane shadows disabled to help speed up my machine. (G)

VA icons sound cool! I'll send you a little NEA Maple leaf flash. Thanks!


"RE: HP137 update (screen shot)"
Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 11-27-01 at 06:10z
WoW! Lookin' great Dee!

**6 miles SSE KSJC**