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Thread Number: 158
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"problem editing fs2002.cfg"

Posted by vgbaron on 11-11-01 at 02:51z
I've run into a strange thing. Editing FS2002.cfg, I change Show_Logo=1 to 0 and save file. Reload file and ithas changed. Run FS2002 - logo shows anyway. Exit and look at .CFG file. Setting has changed back to 1. ??????

I've tried other edits and they all have taken - just this one.

Anybody have similar issues?


Vic Baron

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: problem editing fs2002.cfg"
Posted by Sancho on 11-27-01 at 07:46z
>I've run into a strange thing. Editing FS2002.cfg, I
>change Show_Logo=1 to 0 and save file. Reload file and
>ithas changed. Run FS2002 - logo shows anyway. Exit and
>look at .CFG file. Setting has changed back to 1. ??????
>I've tried other edits and they all have taken - just
>this one.
>Anybody have similar issues?
>Vic Baron
Hi Vic,
I can confirm your observation but cannot offer an explanation. I have the German version of FS2K2 and it does exactly the same thing. I can live with it, but still like to know >s<. Happy landings.

"RE: problem editing fs2002.cfg"
Posted by jerryrosie on 11-27-01 at 13:39z

Prue "shot in the dark" but if "=0" doesn't work, have you tried REMing out the entire line?

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: problem editing fs2002.cfg"
Posted by vgbaron on 11-27-01 at 17:28z
>Prue "shot in the dark" but if "=0" doesn't work, have you
>tried REMing out the entire line?

It's worth a try. Funny thing about the edit tho.
