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Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 134
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Original Message
"Tagline Graphics"

Posted by Mike_Greenwood on 11-01-01 at 18:11z

Hey Gang,

We've been having some discussions in the back room about the use of graphics in signature taglines. I want to say that we definitely approve of such taglines, or else we would simply prohibit links outside of the forum.

That said, we had to establish some guidelines as to their use.

First and foremost, please use some common sense regarding content. While I've seen nothing so far that I would remotely consider out of bounds, we will treat taglines just like we do with the body of a message. If it's done to flame, or inflame members, contains obscenity of any sorts, or violates any of the Terms of Service, the entire post will be removed from the board.

Secondly, and almost important, is that we have put a limit on the size of such graphics at 25kb. This is purely in consideration of dial-up members, and/or those who pay by the minute/hour/day for access online. While broadband is becoming more commonplace, dial-up is still *far and away* the most prevelant form of online access. We don't want those folks screaming because they have to download a 100kb picture every time they read so and so's post :-) This is the honor system too folks, as we really don't need to spend our time being "signature police." However, if we see a suspiciously large graphic, we will check it out.

Thanks for helping out in this regard!


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