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Thread Number: 133
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Posted by andor on 11-01-01 at 03:26z
G,day All,
Have finally got FS2K2 up and running and in general am very impressed, however FYI had trouble getting Windows ME to accept Fl.Sim CH Products Yoke in FS2K2 ( Had no trouble with the Yoke in FS2K) On advice from CH Products ran using Windows ME own installed drivers ( ME apparently doesn,t like to be told what to do :) )

Could anyone also help in that in FS2K2 when the Altitude Hold is engaged in AutoPilot the Heading Hold engages and can only alter course with the heading "bug", or switch off the AutoPilot. Aircraft Cessna RG
Additionally in the Lear when the Heading Hold is disengaged the Wing Leveller engages consequently no bank or turn.
Any advice greatly appreciated,

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"RE: FS2K2"
Posted by jerryrosie on 11-01-01 at 13:40z
>> ME apparently doesn,t like to be told what to do )<<

That's why they called it ME :-)

>>Could anyone also help in that in FS2K2 when the Altitude Hold is engaged in AutoPilot the Heading Hold engages and can only alter course with the heading "bug", or switch off the AutoPilot. <<

This whole issue is discussed (along with the fix) in the thread titled "FS2002 Autopilot" started by Bill Cline. Slip on over there and get Greenie's posted fix to the problem....


***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry