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"FS2K2 747 "Q" for Mel"

Posted by Ben Chiu on 10-16-01 at 14:28z

Greetings Mel:

Because you're a former 747 driver, I was interested in hearing what your thoughts were about FS2K2's 747 flight modeling. I'm particularly interested (as I'm sure many of us are) what inconsistencies you've found with it rather than what's right.

Graphics improvements are neat and all, but for me flight modeling is more important. I guess the root of my question is were there any changes to the flight modeling engine or did they just tweak the old stuff again?

Thanks for any insights.


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"RE: FS2K2 747 "Q" for Mel"
Posted by Tarmack on 10-17-01 at 05:01z


I am looking forward to the final version of FS2k2 as our last beta was almost 6 weeks ago and we understand that there were many improvements in many areas..areas that we just couldn't verify.

For what it is worth........I found the general aviation airplanes more real and more fun to fly than the 747-400.

Part of that was that the Scenery redraws were much less intensive with a slower airplane....and that I can't get my Jetliner Yoke to work with WinXP until CH provides new drivers for that system.......so I am using a Sidewinder FF and a stick just don't feel good in a Boeing !!



"RE: FS2K2 747 "Q" for Mel"
Posted by Ben Chiu on 10-17-01 at 11:11z

>For what it is worth........I found the general aviation airplanes more real and more fun to fly than the 747-400.

Say no more, say no more. <g>

