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"Student Pilot Background Checks..."

Posted by Ben Chiu on 09-27-01 at 12:23z

According to AvWeb, "Student pilots would be required
to have background checks -- and pay for them -- under legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives last Friday. The bill -- H.R. 2932, introduced by Representative Ander Crenshaw (R-FL), would require the FAA to check with the FBI and the CIA, and investigate any history of criminal activity or any evidence of espionage or terrorism on the part of any flight student.

NOTE: AVweb's NewsWire http://avweb.com/n/?39b includes a link to this bill's complete text and more details, including exclusive comments from EAA President Tom Poberezny."

What do you think? Wouldn't we have to rely on foreign government information for international students? Should we limit flight instruction to US Citizens only then?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Student Pilot Background Checks..."
Posted by greenie on 09-27-01 at 16:33z
>>Should we limit flight instruction to US Citizens only then?<<

For now, that's probably not a bad idea.

That's closing the barn door after the horses are out I'm afraid. The gov needs to look *beyond* airplanes at this point...I'm sure the bad guys are :-(


"RE: Student Pilot Background Checks..."
Posted by Madape [Passenger] on 09-27-01 at 16:34z
I think it is a very good idea, when I started learning to fly there were no background checks done on myself. This could be another key tool used in the prevention of another tradedgy.


"RE: Student Pilot Background Checks..."
Posted by Madape on 09-27-01 at 16:35z

Ops forgot to login .. doh!

"RE: Student Pilot Background Checks..."
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-28-01 at 09:59z
One man's opinion only - but background checks are useless against anyone really wanting to bypass them or to negate their usefullness. They would only serve to further delay the process of getting flight training and increase the cost for honest students and would be students. An added hassle on flight schools and flight instructors who already have their hands full. It should not be their job to verify the good intentions of all prospective students. If this passes, how about background checks for truck drivers, train engineers, water treatment plant operators, butchers and grocers, taxi drivers, and the other multitude of folks who can do severe damage to the US....

Gad idea born of over reaction to the events of 9/11

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Student Pilot Background Checks..."
Posted by Ben Chiu on 09-28-01 at 11:46z

Greetings Jerry:

I agree with you on several points. Personally I think INS and other agencies such as US Customs, etc. should be checking people *before* they enter the country, not flight schools after the fact. I guess my argument is if you don't want people like those with the outlined backgrounds flying airplanes, do you really want them driving cars and/or trucks, or even living in your town? I know I wouldn't.

Yep, I think the bill is another knee jerk reaction that someone didn't put a whole lot of thought into...


"RE: Student Pilot Background Checks..."
Posted by James on 09-28-01 at 13:02z
Hi Guy's,

Read this with some interest as this is a topic that seems to alway's rear it's ugly head after such incidents. A lot of the checking should be done by Customs and Excise at ALL entry points to individual Countries/States etc. This is an area that needs to be tightened up in double quick time.

My pet saying when this sort of thing happen's and Poloticians start jumping the gun is " It's no good shutting the gate once the horses have bolted. "

There's a lot of Security issues raised within this style of topic and some thing has to be done.

Regards, James.