URL: http://www.flightadventures.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum: DCForumID1
Thread Number: 104
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Original Message
"Hi "

Posted by Jerry Rosie on 09-26-01 at 05:33z
Please excuse me. I am getting familiar with the operation of this board andintended to post a message TO Ben Chiu but it looks like the "Name" block in the message composition area is the "FROM" name. Ben, I am sorry for appearing to have assumed your identity.....

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Hi "
Posted by greenie on 09-26-01 at 07:54z
Hey Jerry! Glad you made it.

Yup, things are different than what we're used to, but we *will* get used to it <g>

Welcome aboard!


"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie [Passenger] on 09-26-01 at 11:13z
Thanks for the welcome and the status upgrade. Didn't expect that quite so early - thought I'd have to prove myslef in some way beforfe even thinking about that. Will continue to "poke around" here until I get familiar with the new surroundings and then will probably have a million questions. Kinda miss my OzWin spell checker already <]:¬)

"RE: Hi "
Posted by Ben Chiu on 09-26-01 at 11:45z

Greetings again, Jerry:

Just an FYI, you need to log on to the board *before* replying to messages, otherwise you'll just post as a (e.g. guest).

We have some message board tips here somewhere in this Forum. Please have a look at them and the help files. I think they'll come in handy.

As for a spell checker, we actually have a couple we might be able to use, but haven't gotten around to installing them to try them yet. As you may have noted, we're still in Beta, but we'll move that up on the to-do list.


"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-28-01 at 09:49z
OK Logged on and found I can even add my old signature here. Waiting patiently for the spell checker <]:¬)

Will look for the "hints and tips" and try not to mess things up too badly around her. Looking forward to the growth of this project. Looks like a winner so far..

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by greenie on 09-26-01 at 12:58z
SURE! First thing Jerry does when he gets here is breach security <ROFL>


"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-28-01 at 09:46z
yep - one in every crowd. On the other hand, if security can be breached, I am the best one to do it - too ignorant to take advantage of it <]:¬)

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by James on 09-28-01 at 12:40z
Hi Ben, Mike, Jerry et al,

Finally got here so look's like I'm the coffee maker <s>. This is certainly different to OzWin <G>. But, where there's a will there's a way....

** Flight Simulation - for those who can't aford the real thing **



"RE: Hi "
Posted by Ben Chiu on 09-28-01 at 13:17z

Welcome to the VPC James!

We have a few features such as subscriptions that may work closer to offline message reading (it sends all messages from the forum to you via email). I'm not sure how it works regarding replies, but you're more than welcome to test it out! :)


"RE: Hi "
Posted by James on 09-29-01 at 12:27z
Hi Ben,

Roger, will check it out and see what the outcome is. Will report back no doubt later <g>


** Flight Simulation - for those who can't aford the real thing **

"RE: Hi "
Posted by MGreenwood on 09-28-01 at 13:23z

>>Finally got here so look's like I'm the coffee maker <s>. <<

Nope, I already had you pegged as the brewmaster! ;-) Lee can make coffee if he ever gets here <g>


"RE: Hi "
Posted by James on 09-29-01 at 12:26z
Hi Mike,

>> Lee can make coffee if he ever gets here <<



** Flight Simulation - for those who can't aford the real thing **

"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-28-01 at 16:17z
Hey Old Man! Glad to see you here. Different - to be sure! But we'll get teh hang of it before too long I hope. If the traffic picks up much though, I can see a need for some organization and duty assignments since it will be a bit tougher to keep up with all the new posts than it was in compuserve's threaded messages. Anyhoo - good to see you here and I look forward to great things!!

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by Ben Chiu on 09-28-01 at 16:42z

Greetings Jerry:

If you haven't seen it, this message board has a Mark and Read New feature. This will sort messages that you haven't read each time you log on (provided your marked them read your last session.

Hope this helps.

"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-29-01 at 05:53z
Yep - discovered it and how to interpret it the last time I logged on. Thanks.

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by James on 09-29-01 at 12:30z
Yo Jerry,

Less of the Old Man mate, ain't that young yet! <LOL>. Sure is different to CIS but, we cracked that mate so should be a breeze here once we get into the swing of things.


** Flight Simulation - for those who can't aford the real thing **

"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-29-01 at 17:42z
Yep - only been here two or three days now and, already, it is becoming familiar (if I could just remember to log in). Sure does scratch the old Signal Corps heart though to be typing "on line". Terrible waste of "air time" - wot?

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by James on 09-30-01 at 15:35z
Hi Jerry,

Yep, I sure ain't used to being on line for so long <s>.


"RE: Hi "
Posted by Madape on 09-26-01 at 17:36z

Hiyas All

And welcome to the VPC, its great to have you aboard!


"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-28-01 at 16:22z
Thanks, Sam - Good to be here. Still learning my way around so be gentle.<]:¬)

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by Tom Hayward on 09-27-01 at 13:10z

Welcome Jerry
Glad to have you on the Forum!

Thomas S. Hayward

"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-28-01 at 09:50z
Thanks Tom - Good to be here!

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by andor on 09-27-01 at 16:54z
G,day Jerrie...they are a great team here... Ben, does this mean I am no longer the "Rookie" :)

"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 09-28-01 at 09:52z
If rookie status is awarded to the last one in the door, I guess its me for now. But - I predict that it won't be too long before there are many others walking in behind me!

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by TD [Passenger] on 10-07-01 at 08:31z
<opens the door, poking a balding, bearded, bespectacled head around the corner and peering about>

So... this is where the big kids came to play?


"RE: Hi "
Posted by MGreenwood on 10-07-01 at 15:23z
>>So... this is where the big kids came to play?<<

LOL! Yup, and welcome TD! I think you're gonna fit in just fine here <g>.


"RE: Hi "
Posted by jerryrosie on 10-08-01 at 12:47z
>>So... this is where the big kids came to play?<<

LOL! Welcome aboard. Good to see so many familiar faces checking in here. Hope when the site opens "for real" we'll see a lot of the folks from FSFORUM as well as those who are migrating from Sections 6 & 7 of GAMERS...

Starting to feel comfortable around here.....

***Reality - the refuge of those who can't handle simulation***
Cheers, Jerry

"RE: Hi "
Posted by James on 10-08-01 at 15:14z
Yo TD,

Thought I'd heard a rumour that you were lurking about my friend. How you doing? Hope you enjoy it here as much as you do/did in Gamers.
